Holy Crusaders Wendish Crusade 1 oz Proof Silver Coin 5$ Cook Islands 2022

Zajecza 15 , 00-351 Warszawa Polska. The Wendish Crusade military campaign started in 1147 and was one of the five major Northern Crusades. It was started because peaceful means by the German archbishops of Bremen and Magdeburg to convert the Wends to Christianity failed. The Wends knew about the plans to invade and thus preemptively invaded Germany but failed. Shortly later in 1147 the march of the Crusaders started. It was the Kingdom of German with the Roman Empire against the Slavic Tribes in now northeast Germany and Poland. The conquered lands from the Wends were rich in resources which made it easy to find people to join this Holy Crusade. The rewards were high however the result of the Wendish Crusade was mixed. Lands were conquered, people converted but not to the full extend as planned. The same as the Second Crusade to the Holy Land, which occurred at the same time. Various secondary goals were achieved though. The reverse of the coin has a detailed scenery of the capture of the Wends. Insert on the right a cameo of Henry the Lion who was one of the main commanders in the crusade. He was the most powerful German prince of his time. He ruled from the Baltics to the Alps. At the top is written the name WENDISH CRUSADE complemented by the year 1147 when it started and at the bottom the name HENRY THE LION and the year 2022 (the year of issue). The obverse side of the coin depicts two stylized Templar warriors with a sword and flag. At the top is written the series name “HISTORY OF THE CRUSADES”. The obverse also has the Coat of Arms with Queen Elizabeth II and the inscriptions: “COOK ISLANDS” (the issuing country), “2022″ (the year of issue) and “5 DOLLARS” (the face value). Discounts on new coins for registered users. 31.1 g g. 38.61 mm mm. For Australia – UPS only.