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Tag: hanseatic

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ZUTPHEN City of Towers HANSEATIC LEAGUE Antique Finish Silver Coin 2010 COOK

ZUTPHEN City of Towers HANSEATIC LEAGUE Antique Finish Silver Coin 2010 COOK

ZUTPHEN City of Towers HANSEATIC LEAGUE Antique Finish Silver Coin 2010 COOKBeautiful Partial Bronze Plated Antique Finish Sterling Silver Coin. Mintage limited to only 1000 coins! FROM THE COIN SERIES: HANSEATIC LEAGUE SEA TRADING ROUTE. This coin features partial bronze plating and an antique finish! The Hanseatic League (also known as the Hanse or Hansa) was an economic alliance of trading cities and their guilds that established and maintained a trade monopoly along the coast of Northern Europe. It stretched from the Baltic to the North Sea and inland, during the Late Middle Ages and early modern period c. The

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ZUTPHEN HANSEATIC LEAGUE Hansa Silver Coin 5$ Cook Islands 2010

ZUTPHEN HANSEATIC LEAGUE Hansa Silver Coin 5$ Cook Islands 2010

ZUTPHEN HANSEATIC LEAGUE Hansa Silver Coin 5$ Cook Islands 2010The third coin of the lucky series “Hanseatic League” is dedicated to the Hansa city of Zutphen. The coin has gone through a special minting process to give it an “antiqued” appearance. This city is known as the “City of Towers”, because of the presence of large number of towers in the city. Some of the major sightseeing in Zutphen includes the following – Walburgkerk: This is the largest tower in the city of Zutphen. You can site this tower at the major square of the city. This tower reflects great

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GDANSK Hanseatic League Hansa Silver Coin 5$ Cook Islands 2010

GDANSK Hanseatic League Hansa Silver Coin 5$ Cook Islands 2010

GDANSK Hanseatic League Hansa Silver Coin 5$ Cook Islands 2010The coin issued by Cook Islands is dedicated to the city of Gdansk. It belongs to “Hanseatic League” series. Gdansk, the city on the Baltic coast in northern Poland, was one of the principal cities of the Hanseatic League, a league of merchant cities which held a monopoly over the trade of the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. The functioning of the Hanseatic League is not only proof of early economic co-operation in Europe, but it also founded a social and cultural community which has left its mark throughout the